Sunday, 12 January 2025

The Sun Came Out

 Sometimes, I feel like writing, but I don't know where to start. I know there's things I did and want to chat about or things I'd like to write about to be able to look back on.

A quick scroll through my phone camera roll usually provides the inspiration. And, wow is my camera roll ever a reflection of not only what I've been up to, but how I've been feeling. Case in point - this is all I had for the second half of December.

I mean, we all love a good poovalanche though, right?

So, we can deduce I delivered some manure to my parents' garden. Apparently there was nothing else even remotely worth documenting or more inspiring to me than a 5 sec video of poo :D

 Since, then, though, things seem to be on the upswing.

Heading in to my first office day of 2025 and there was a bit of a sunrise

Look! Sunshine is coming! This made me happy after months of grey and rain. It's a gorgeous trip when the weather cooperates. 

Since then, we've had almost a full week of the sun peeking through here and there. It's rained hard at night a few times, so the groundwater is not receding, but it feels like everyone just took a deep breath and is waking up and getting ready for spring.

Especially this one. My right middle finger was sprained a couple of weeks ago due to longe line shenanigans, and she regrets nothing. She'd try it (and did try it) again, in fact. Yes, I am aware that's poor pony behaviour, longeing is time to work, not play. But, did I mention the sun came out and we've all temporarily lost our minds? 

Let the pony out of the paddock, enjoy your wish for total chaos.

Speaking of chaos, the kittens are 8 months old now and prime chaos attractants. They were probably just as crazy a few months ago but now they're full size and it sounds like they're demolishing the house every night.

 This guy just turned 10, and influenced the kitten color scheme. My order for twins to him didn't pan out though, the kitten fluff didn't expand to luxury proportions like the OG Kitty. But in hindsight, 2 more of this guy would have been crazy, even for me.

In other fluffy creature news, the boys are already starting to shed. In true baby pony fashion, they're not ready for the feels of that and you've never met two itchier, muddier ponies in your entire life. They're malfunctioning right now.

For some reason, only Bakari pictures. He's been the most eager to get a good grooming so he goes first, and I guess by the time I do something with Sophie and finish with Reggie it's been too dark for photos.

This sunrise was crazy - no filter added

Nicer weather means time to pick up some hay

Unloading done under supervision, of course

Other than that, my saddle to try is still waiting in a foreign country. I didn't realize our post office isn't accepting international parcels, so I will need to be patient until they catch up to the backlog from a labour dispute prior to Christmas. 

The house has been progressing. I got seriously sidetracked over Christmas, building a custom kitchen cabinet that really I had no business attempting. It turned out great, but it took me literal days and wasn't what we might call an effective use of time. We're on hold now for one last visit from the plumber and electrician, and then I*think* the only outstanding thing will be tiling the kitchen backsplash and maybe picking out a dining room light, but obviously we can move in while we do that. This is the second full renovation I've done of this house and I'll go on record here saying I hope it's the last. Also, it's never getting rented again. We live in it or we sell it, that's it :)


  1. I very much understand the "I want to write something" phone camera roll scroll, especially when I don't have any lessons or outings with the horses on the calendar. You caught some beautiful sunrises and very cute (if occasionally naughty) ponies. ;) 9pm sunsets will be here before we know it.

    1. I've been in some kind of winter brain fog too, there's been a few times I scroll back and I'm like " I DID THAT last week?!!" because in my mind it was months ago. I cannot wait for 9pm sunsets :)

  2. When the sun comes out after days/weeks of gloom it always feels magical.

    1. I feel like I don't see people for months, then we get one non rainy day and I see all the neighbours and half my friends just out and about being normal people again :D

  3. Ah, the sun makes such a difference, right? That ferry trip looks gorgeous, all your kitties are so handsome, and all the ponies, too, of course. I laughed at the poop GIF. Ha, ha!
