Thursday, 2 January 2025

Brighter Days Ahead

 Literally, as the days grow longer again. 

Figuratively too. I have all sorts of things I want to do or I want to write about here but the winter blahs were winning in a big way and creeping into pretty much every aspect of life. I'm not cut out for these winters - I think I simply need more sunshine and outdoor time (if I'm making a big ask of the universe, I'd love more riding time too). 

On that note, a new (to us) saddle is in the mail. Bareback pad is lovely but a bit of a safety concern this time of year when 'big field' turnout is limited and feral ponies rule the day. You'll have to look closely, but the blue pen line is 'now' and the cardboard cutout is what we used when ordering her saddle 18 months ago. It's slightly shocking since she was 7 and buying the fancy saddle for her then felt like it should have been a safe bet. (Also, no wonder she hated it after a few months.)

She's fuzzy but not overweight. Out of shape, yes, but I think an xw tree is legit where we are at now. Fingers crossed the new one is a good fit (or at least a reasonable starting point).

Sad times because I really, really loved that saddle (Amerigo Pasubio), but Sophie made her feelings known and I was aware it probably wasn't ever going to work for us again. Just for fun I measured my baby horses and at 20 months old they're wider than that (mw-w tree) saddle as well so it will likely need to go off to a new home.

Shiny Bakari. Sorry for the middle of the night photos, it's really like 8pm but our barn lights are kept low in respect of the neighbours.

Daytime Tradey naps

The nice thing about feeling a bit 'meh' this time of year is that we get a new one. My logical brain knows it's just a date on a calendar, but a big part of me embraces a reason to mentally draw a line under everything and start fresh. Endless possibilities, suddenly at my fingertips! Spring daylight feels like a tangible thing to look forward to again.

It rained this much between Christmas Eve and Boxing Day and of course we had no power Christmas Day. That about sums up this winter's weather, but it was a nice excuse to not have to cook anything!

I got him this new ditch for Christmas. I joke but he actually loves it. Tools with handles are his favorite so you can imagine how helpful he wanted to be with the raking and shoveling. Now he's low key old man horse watching the river flow by his cottage.

Two very helpful creatures. If you'd have asked me a few years ago I would have said geldings are not for me, partly because they turn everything into a chaotic game if you give them any leeway. Here I am in the future where stealing and dragging my manure fork away every time I turn my back is a hilarious game for them. Timewasters, and not only do I allow it, it makes me laugh.

If I was to only post everyday photos this is probably what you'd get 90% of the time. Tradey's actually respectful and polite, but he's also insatiably curious and friendly, so if you let him he'd be this close all day long. Buck is a bit more pushy/testy by nature so my personal bubble with him is a bit stricter. It's fine though because he's secretly my favorite :)

One last Dec 2024 Sophie picture. Onwards to 2025!



  1. The hardest part about winter is the lack of daylight. Pair that with the weather you're enduring... I feel for you!

    The boys are SO cute though, as is Sophie of course. At least they are there for comic relief through the 'dark days'!

    1. I love my mares, but 10/10 baby geldings are way more fun. Highly recommend as a cure for winter depression :)

  2. Great candid horse photos. Here's to getting through winter and looking forward to 2025!

    1. Spring sunshine here we come (and the clocks going forward again!)

  3. wow that is some significant change in shape, no wonder Sophie said no to the saddle!! i keep not-so-secretly hoping my mare will sprout more shoulder but.... not if it means replacing my saddle!! yeesh haha. hopefully you both love the new one when it arrives, and the old one is easy to sell!

    1. I triple checked the new measurements (and that old cardboard template) because I thought for sure I or the fitter messed up somewhere along the way. But no, in true Sophie style, if you're going to outgrow your saddle do it in the most dramatic and unexpected way :D

  4. Longer days yeah! New saddle yeah! Great pictures as always ❤️

  5. That’s a big difference in Sophie’s shape! January and February are really hard for me. It’s all work and no play when it comes to horses.
    I also love a good ditch.
