Wednesday 23 October 2024

One Year

I'm not sure how it's been an entire year since we went to the city to pick up two little colts from a cross Canada journey. That also makes it slightly over a year since I was sat on a ferry having an actual panic attack over all the impending changes in my horsey life. While the fun of having new babies incoming was super exciting, my heart wasn't sure I could actually part with Bridget, even on a lease to a friend. (And awkwardly, my ferry trip companion that day was said friend who I'd already promised B to, lol)

It's hard when things are happy and comfortable, but not leading to the more quantitative things you hope for. Sunk cost fallacy is also a thing, I had a very real feeling of not wanting to change my existing path because I had invested so much time and emotion into it.

 Bridget and Sophie dynamic duo throwback

But, if we're being real, I didn't/don't feel done yet with some small-ish eventing and dressage goals. While I was OK with staying involved, but putting those off to a future time (where I currently live is not conducive to showing/lesson goals), when that whole issue with compressed discs in my back came to light I suddenly felt like time maybe isn't on my side as much as I might have wanted and a Plan B might be warranted.  Besides, I'm not sure if my Plan A of 'waiting until things are easier' was a valid plan for goal getting, anyway.

B fulfilling some dreams - my very first horse trials!  circa 2016-ish. 

 While I admittedly miss Bridget and have small regrets about leasing her out vs just trusting my gut and selling Sophie, it's definitely a case of everything working out the way it needed to. I'm a broken record over here when I say I'm still so, so happy with the boys and the decision to go for youngsters. Baby horses are fun, I like a good project, and having them from foals also fills the want for me to know a horse's history. I think my looking off and on for years at older horses already doing the thing and not finding 'the horse' was a sign that I what a really wanted was a Welsh Cob foal (or two!) :) 

Their little faces when they arrived! Luckily for him was not a fan of being touched back then, so risk of me overly squishing him was minimal

So cute

Change is hard, but I also think change also needed to happen and I'm still pinching myself that I have not one, but two amazing future partners.

two very goofy partners :)


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