Despite this being the absolute slowest summer this blog has ever seen, I'm still wondering how it's September already. Also, how is it possibly time for NFL games? And halloween candy?
It's not even like I've been super fast paced in real life this summer. I've taken so many vacation hours and had a lot of very slow days. I'm at that sweet spot where I have worked in the same place long enough not to be completely sick of it, but also to have what feels like a never ending amount of paid vacation earned.
The sun is setting again before I'm done evening feedings. I'm sad. But it's been summer temperatures and cooler nights so I can't be too sad!
After dinner swimming includes sunsets now |
Good night |
Good Morning! The turnout parade |
The crew had their last week in their summer field. We mowed it last Tuesday. The grass is already coming back with the overnight dew so I’m hoping they will be able grab a few extra days here and there until rainy season comes and it gets too muddy.
They made the best of it because somehow their gate got opened and they escaped. Luckily the property owners and some of the neighbours are wonderful and returned them to their field before I even got there. My friend's farm where Sophie was boarded a couple of winters ago is across the street, so she gravitated towards there and took her little minions with her. This is why despite it seeming very unlikely the gate could be opened by an equine, I am not ruling it out - she has been wanting to visit her old friends and has motive for the crime.
My to do list for my most recent 'vacation' was extensive, as always. I'm finishing restaining the exterior of the house, and we are FINALLY picking up the kitchen cabinets. Our move in date is going to be about a year behind schedule at this point. Luckily no crazy contractor or house reno gone wrong tales to tell, the problem is just me, vastly overestimating how much free time I really have. I do enjoy all the house repairs and improvements, so there's additional reticence on my part to hand it over and hire help. Maybe I should make time by hiring someone to do the stuff I hate (anyone want to cook my dinner for me every night?lol Clean my house?) but then I think of all the hay bales that money would buy.
And two yearling colts eat A LOT of bales of hay. Like at least a 50lb bale a day. I seriously did not consider this when ordering my winter hay - I guess the cob mares I’ve had have been far less active because even full grown they’re more in the 15lb a day range. We’ve refilled the barn this week and I’m prepared, but still hoping they’ll slow down a little. They’re not overweight so I guess for now they’re burning it all growing up (and running around like crazy ponies all day)
On the horse “training” side of things, it has evolved that husband G and I entertain ourselves with evening pony challenges, the results of which are often hilarious. The challenges can be anything, the only “rule” being G gets to pick which pony he wants to try to “win” with and I get the other. The boys actually love it. They’re so people oriented and curious about the world they’re pretty happy to participate in our dumb games.
We are currently in the middle of a 3 part 'pony show' challenge - night one was a super simple halter pattern that involved trotting in hand. Far, far too exciting for Mr Bakari and there were more airs above the ground than trot steps so we had to concede the win to G and Tradey :) Bakari redeemed himself in the halterless fly spray application and show grooming challenge later in the week - Tradey needed bribery to stand still and had poop on his sock - the judges were horrified, lol. The tie breaker challenge has yet to be decided but I think will involve something Working Equitation obstacle inspired. The suspense is killing you, I'm sure.
Future challenge: Teach them to come reliably when called ? Tradey would probably win but Buck is a strong underdog contender, remember cheating is allowed so I could fill a pocket with treats and increase my odds.
On a more serious note, my wonderful endurance riding farrier friend has some creative non treed saddle ideas for Sophie (any riding is better than none and I'm done with spending money on futile saddle fitting for us) so I will let you know how that goes and what, if any, set up I end up using. She's a pretty spicy pony so a saddle would be more ideal than a glorified bareback pad, but also initial testing is promising as far as comfort and being secure enough to start thinking outside the ring. I'm also optimistic she's matured a lot in the last year and the shenanigans are fewer (or maybe the chaos twins are just setting the bar super low for everyone?)
I mean she’s barely sassy anymore
Actually it’s nothing but quiet horses here in general
Never fear, I’ve put aside Bridget’s saddles and a couple of others that seem suitably cobby, so let’s hope when the time comes we will have saddles for these two without too much pain and bank account stress.
The boys are growing like weeds! I remember when it seemed impossible to fill Quaid. He’s slowing down now and doesn’t require as much.
ReplyDeletethat's good news - with hay at $20-25 a bale at the moment it would be nice if I wasn't over budget infinitely :D
DeleteI ❤️ the pony challenges! Everyone is looking glossy and gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteThe challenges are so ridiculous sometimes I hesitated to mention them, they are so far from any kind of serious pony training. But, the end result seems to be the same and they're turning into good citizens.
DeletePony challenges are #relationshipgoals
ReplyDeleteIt's been 20 years and we definitely have identical senses of humor at this point. A blessing and a curse lol.
DeleteWhat a great time you're all having lately. Big smile reading this whole post. Happy for you!
ReplyDeleteThank you! It's been a blessing to take a step back and just enjoy a summer without any big goals :)
DeleteLove the pony game challenges! Great idea. It's definitely a beautiful time of year to enjoy horses and horse life.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a really great summer, the best in a very long time
DeleteSilly pony games challenges sound like something many others might join in on... just saying...
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are all set up to enjoy a lovely fall season. Can't wait to see the pics of ponies galloping in front of fall foliage!