Monday 12 August 2024

Summer Mood

Mostly a photo dump of the week's happenings. For the most part it's been sunny and (too) warm so I tend to do all things horses or outdoor work in the mornings and evenings.

This deer wandering by while G and I took an afternoon shade break. Not unusual for her to be around, she comes up to drink the horse's water and hang out in the shade too.

But this time when she went back out she left her little fawn in the bushes next to where we were sitting. I guess we passed the babysitting test? It worked, because I was paranoid about that baby being unbothered and safe all day. Momma didn't come back to get him/her until almost dark.

These guys have been at the neighbour's almost every day, performing their usual stunts and shenanigans

The bitey game is still strong

We stacked a lot of hay this week, I managed to fit almost 100 bales in what was originally supposed to be a stall and little tack/feed room. Feels good to have the barn full though!

Also took a trip to the sawmill. I'm lucky that's more of an annual thing. They save a couple of giant 500ish lb bags of sawdust for us when it's dry in the summer and those last most of the year for us. Sophie gets a big pile that lasts at least 6 months at a time since she only uses it as a bed. The boys get a couple of wheelbarrows a day since they trash their place nightly :)

Sophie's got a bit too chunky this summer, something I thought I'd never say

I've been using her old adjustable saddle with an xxw plate in it,  longeing and long lining with the intent of gradually getting her back to some form of shape that isn't round, after having most of the spring and summer off.

Non work afternoons also filled with beach visits

 Hawaii Mars last flight. A lifetime ago I lived in a little cottage on Vancouver Island next to the bomber base and these were anchored in the lake just off our dock and such a huge part of life there. Off to an aviation museum as a static display yesterday, but some coastal communities were treated to a final fly past and she's just as big and loud as she ever was <3

Back to the ponies. The boys are suddenly visually approaching Sophie size.

Looking more adult like from the right angle

Direct compare of Buck and Sophie

How is he so wide already? I'm going to have fun saddle shopping for this one a few years from now.

The ponies come in when the street lights come on:)

Grooming at 9:30pm with some daylight left, wish that could be a year round thing.

Good night ponies! I kind of like my backyard these days

All tucked in with bed time snacks



  1. Oh my goodness they're looking so grown up!!

    1. we went from 'such a cute baby!' to this in approximately 6 months. Now we wait 2 more years to ride the awkwardly sized horses :D.

  2. You live in a beautiful place!

  3. What a lovely property you have. The ponies are looking stunning.
