Thursday, 10 August 2023

That Felt Tough

This post brought to you by a pony outing that made me half wish I didn't like horses so much. A beach cottage somewhere would have been so much more relaxing (and likely the same investment at this point in my life).

There was a saddle fitting day at our local meeting spot and I took B and Sophie. B needed to be fitted for her new people's tack. S needed her saddle checked as well, as she's grown significantly in the last year. I've actually been borrowing B's saddle for her and feeling like it was close. My feelings were validated when it was confirmed she's actually slightly wider than B these days but a comparable fit. How?!
large and in charge

S's fitting actually just caused me stress all around. We're still resurfacing her winter paddock and building her new shelter, so she's back living with Bridget 24/7 temporarily, and back to being completely obsessed with her. She did her very best to be a good girl, but she struggled a little and I was uncharacteristically feeling like I didn't have patience for it.

Reunited roomies are so cute together. Just don't take B away!

B was of course the angel she always is, and 'her kid' even got to have a tiny saddle fitted and have a little ride. It's about the cutest thing ever, but B could have been a little less perfect and I would have been OK with it.  Kid proudly showing me the knot she tied B's leadrope around her neck..."because then I don't have to stay here, I can do other things while B waits" (she's 5, and it's Bridget, so this is solid logic) while Sophie threw a tantrum and was generally feral in the background. "Why she be like that? Why not be like Bridget? Why you even have that one?" 5 year old needed to know.  Nothing like a kid's honest observations lol.

Not always perfect tho. B's trail of destruction the other day...rookie mistake putting her anywhere near an apple tree

S didn't escape the day unscathed, having got a foot stuck on a fence, after waving it around as she is prone to do when stressed. Ugh, I do not like being that person with that horse (who already has way too many scars from bad life choices). But also probably I can never sell her since I post real life with Sophie here (and I kind of like her).

The day would have been salvaged if the saddle fitting had been successful for Sophie. But no, none of my saddles, or what felt like the million others we tried, were voted close enough to bother with. B's were by far the closest but a bit too long on her back, so that's a deal breaker. The advice was that I likely need a new $$$$ custom (of the brand the fitter reps, naturally). To put it gently, my experience and luck with fitters has not been consistently great. So, unlikely I would go custom.

Nothing against this latest brand or fitter actually, just my level of faith is not high that custom and more money is going to be a sure answer. Also this sounds horrible but  I am not sure I even want something that's super specific for her and I as a pair at this point. Just something workable for us both with some resale value in case life throws some changes our way, please.

it's getting dark out again in the evenings. the solar lights are a new addition and I like them

I don't if I have words for why I felt so completely deflated in the days after. Maybe the ulcer situation, maybe the lack of riding I've been able to do due to that, and my own issues? Feeling like I'm trying my very hardest to do right by Sophie but just spinning my wheels. The upcoming changes with Bridget? I don't know, I just know the whole 'none of the saddles you thought', even the one the previous fitter gave the thumbs up to, was kind of a final straw on the day and I needed a time out. 

Anyway. Deep breath. 

I've reached out to a couple of reps for brands I know have worked for us both in the past and have newer models that advertise the features we're looking for (suited to a short back, wider than average through channel/withers, more u shaped tree). Both have agreed to try to help me out remotely, both have demo options that could work. So, we've got options, we move forward, maybe we salvage some riding time this fall. 
Enjoying the neighbours field again this morning. We had two days of rain! Much needed after 2+ months without. 

We're T minus 2 months to the big day when the babies arrive, plus both Sophie and B are looking fantastic and happy. There's plenty of good happening, so it's not all me moaning and complaining.



  1. Saddle fitting can be frustrating. Throw in antics due to separation and it makes sense that it wasn’t the best day. I love your options for remote fittings!

    1. I ended up with the perfect saddle for B and I via reaching out remotely to a fitter who seemed experienced with her type, crossing fingers we can do the same for Sophie :) And oh, the antics :( A part of me is always just a little disappointed when she reverts back to any of the anxious or rude behavior and I need to be better at recognizing that before I start getting actively annoyed by her.

  2. my farm is literally ensconced in the gravitational center of US Eventing, surrounded by so many horses and tack shops and consignment areas, that there are almost limitless opportunities to evaluate different used saddles and try out various fitting professionals, all within about a 1.5hr radius.... and yet i STILL find myself so skeptical and frustrated by the process... even with all these local resources. legit cannot imagine needing to ship out on top of all that plus deal with related time crunches, logistics, and pony shenanigans... ugh

    1. And a pony who has zero tolerance for anything that's even the tiniest bit different than what she's used to or otherwise not to her liking :) I'm feeling really skeptical of the whole process, just bad experiences all around. We're talking things like a twisted tree once, me for almost a year saying it felt crooked and the fitter saying I just needed to work on my balance lol.

  3. I think you know from my own blog that I am totally sympathetic to the whole buddy sour issue. It can be A LOT to deal with. Super frustrating and downright disappointing. I have no words of wisdom for you, but can certainly commiserate!

    1. It's so frustrating, isn't it? Logically I know she's just feeling insecure and having a tough time and there's always ways I can be better for her. But also I am the person who is some days emotionally just like "why are you being so special?! I just want an easy and confident pony today!"

  4. LOL you read my saddle fit issues the other day. It's frustrating, one thing I was taught being a massage therapist is that the fit changes moment to moment. I honestly don't know who to trust anymore these days, but just keep checking brands and fits and go from there I guess. Only way out is forward, and I have high hope there will be a saddle out there for your girl.

    1. Thank you! I more and more am just open to trying anything and trusting what my horses say once we get going. Let's hope we all find the miracle saddle :)

  5. Thank you so much for this recommendation, I'm going to join that group. 'm trying so hard not to badmouth, but there was a recent saddle I tried rocking so badly it was hitting my butt (loudly, it was actually funny in a messed up way) in the 'up' cycle of posting trot. Apparently that's not an issue, it is just because my pony moves very freely through her back ;)
