You know what I hate? Discussing personal medical stuff...I don't know why I have such an aversion to it, but it's making it hard to blog when I kind of need to mention it. The good thing about this space is that I can write directly about how it's affecting horses and riding, which I find much more comfortable than explaining to curious coworkers or acquaintances why I'm hobbling around :)
Anyway...this week's really great happenings are that I'm feeling much more myself in every way. I'm still struggling to stay where I need to be physically and not be frustrated I can't do all the things immediately, but there have been massive improvements in mobility and pain levels since my last post and I'm feeling so much better. I walk every second day and do physio exercises on the other day and each week I am able to do a bit more without regretting it later. I'm feeling super positive about being able to get back to a really good place.
You've never met someone who enjoys every moment of every day until you've met Sophie |
I sat on a horse (Bridget) for the first time in 6 weeks and went for a little walk around (OK, my husband led me while I wore every safety item I own because I'm not physically quite there yet...but also, mental health needs consideration too). Using stirrups and navigating mounting with a saddle would be a challenge still, but toodling around in a bareback pad was perfectly comfortable and something I think I could be doing solo soon. I was joking that this is B's penance...99% sure a very impolite post jump pony maneuver and my resulting tumble a couple of years ago is where I got hurt. If not that, probably one of our other misadventures through the years, so she can do some time as pony rehab :)
Part time physio consultant in addition to her full time job as Sophie discipliner |
I think I might be at a place in life where any of a long list of setbacks might make me take a second look at my life choices, but this has certainly made me reevaluate what I'm doing. I am currently feeling like I'm pretty lucky (fingers crossed for further smooth sailing) . A mix between 'time is short and anything can happen, live the life you want now!' and also 'my body needs to last so I need to be more responsible about looking after it'
Sophie again demonstrating YOLO, is less concerned with looking after her body since annoying B too much never ends well for her |
With the chat last month about riding as a whole, or at least some riding activities possibly being off the table, I realized very quickly I had a whole giant bucket list I hadn't accomplished (and not even like I tried and didn't do it, more I just felt like I had all the time in the world to get to it...some day). This experience has done wonders for clarifying exactly what I want and need to prioritize doing.
S would always like to be invited along for any adventure. |
It's too soon for some decisions, others have been no brainers. I'm not sending B for breeding, because I think my need for a Bridget 2.0 will be more immediate than the 5 or so years out I'd need to wait for a foal to grow to a rideable pony that can do much. Also, I think I'm going to be feeling less flexible about what I want and need, so at the very minimum I need to be looking at youngsters already on the ground and doing some things.
B has been very snuggly lately - very unlike her! |
Anyway, we move on and I'll check in when I have good updates to share.