Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Weekend Updates

While I love property and home improvement type stuff, I'm sincerely hoping this will be the last update on that topic for a little while. Time for a break, and time to bring on the riding updates! (Please!) 

Sophie making the best of the horrible weather by getting highlights and brows done.

Because I finally (FINALLY) got the back fence completed and now I can sleep at night without worrying the girls will go for an adventure off property. Their paddocks are obviously well fenced, and I did have a secondary line of defense in the form of a temporary electric fence, but feels a lot better having a proper perimeter fence around the property.


Plus gates

Equals peace of mind

I've also been keeping a secret: we're moving in to the house on site, so the ponies really will be in my backyard again. That's going to mean some upcoming renovations and changes to both that house and the one we're currently living in, but I'm not going to think too hard on that. And of course the horses still have some big pending projects (a second pony shelter, a tack room in the barn, wire mesh on the back fence) but none of those feel like they have the urgency attached like the other projects we've completed this fall. I'll pick away at the shelter as I have time and the tack room and future grooming area will be nice to have, but my trailer works just fine at the moment for tack and the trees by the barn are big enough to tie and groom at. 

Anyway. I feel like I've got a few months now to take a breather and just ride my horses, which I plan to take full advantage of.



  1. how exciting and it all looks amazing!! I hope you get to ride soon instead Home/Barn Improvement 101 :)

    1. Thank you! Fingers crossed for some riding updates soon! :)

  2. The fencing looks perfect. I am also excited about you moving in! It's all coming together.

    1. It's not going to be to everyone's taste, but it's exactly what I wanted and makes me happy every time I drive up. Re: moving in - now that we've made it official, there's a lot of drama. 0/10 recommend renting your house but I'm looking forward to it being ours again.

  3. Woohoo! So exciting to have them actually in your backyard!!

    1. I'm really looking forward to it! It's only about a 5-10min drive from where we are now, but it's going to feel so good to live right there.

  4. That back fence with gates looks so good! How exciting that you are going to be able to live on site. Backyard ponies are the best!

    1. I'm excited for backyard ponies again - it's been 10+ years and a lot of moving around since I lived there last.

  5. It all looks so lovely! You have provided me with inspiration & ideas for my own space. You must be excited for this next step of moving back to the property.

  6. that has to feel seriously satisfying to get all that stuff done. also. omg Sophie's muddy face omg
