Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Check Your Gear - Weekend Update and Helmet PSA

 I had such a nice outing on Bridget last Saturday. We ventured up to the nearby lake on a rainy, quiet morning. Owning a younger horse these days, I find myself appreciating Bridget all the more. Hop on for a last minute solo outing in the 'wilderness' after a week off? Sure, why not? :)

Happy ears

It's probably been over a year since we were last up there and while I very much enjoyed and missed it, it's so different! The trails have been super busy and our previously narrow winding paths are more like roads these days. I bumped into 3 separate groups, even on a truly yucky day, where before I'd never see anyone. It gives things a very different feel than before, but not necessarily in a bad way - it's nice not getting hit by branches the whole way and it's nice to see all the happy people out enjoying the day.

Dark and gloomy day, but we still enjoyed it

Sophie was also surprisingly good after a week off. I'm obviously not at a point where I'd take her on the trails alone. Honestly, despite all efforts I'm not sure she's ever going to be the world's happiest trail horse, which hurts my soul as I take great pride in having really solid trail horses! Anyway, we were alone, so off to the arena we went.

I was having the best ride ever and getting some really nice trot work, but as is my luck, as I asked for canter a door(?) slammed and Sophie hesitated and jumped away from the noise slightly, like it was barely a spook. But, if you don't have your girth done up properly, and you're a rider like me who is all 'la la la we are cantering the other way, now' well it was enough to send her saddle and myself the opposite way. Fun times. Poor girl was like "WHY is my saddle THERE?" and jumped a little more and the saddle rolled even more and I hit the deck in the most unexciting fall ever. But, my negligence wasn't quite done yet, because while I did order a new helmet, it hasn't arrived yet and I was using the one that drives me nuts because the chin strap loosens as you ride. So my super unexciting fall got a bit more interesting when my helmet shifted and the back edge of it caught me behind the ear and made that lovely sound where you know 1. This is going to hurt 2. I've probably given myself a concussion.

Interlude to appreciate the Christmas tree that was set up...actually quite a useful little exercise for picking your line and staying straight. I started the easy was by coming in over the poles and out over the points, but she was honest when I reversed it too.


Sophie was the best pony ever and despite a super annoying saddle hanging under her belly, quietly made her way back over to me and stood. I appreciate that - I was having visions of her galloping off into the sunset and hurting herself and destroying her tack. Also, after owning a horse who would panic and bolt if the rider ever lost balance, it's kind of a relief to know Sophie is up for a joke. She's a spicy, reactive thing and I have to admit it was always lurking in the back of my mind that despite all my groundwork and effort desensitizing her, she might panic if things were ever to get interesting!

The tack and Sophie have no damage. I am not so lucky and felt a bit unsteady when I stood up, but in the theme of being negligent, got back on to make sure I hadn't scared the poor pony and that we were both fine. She was fine, I felt not so fine. Yuck.

Oh look, a picture from last weekend with my helmet tipping forward...what a strange coincidence ;)

I'm feeling much better today and I've put in another helmet order (turns out the one I ordered months ago is still backordered and they haven’t even started making it yet) in hopes I can get one here in the near-ish future. I do have a spare one, but after this weekend I'm kind of over the cheap ones that (at least on me)  never really feel as solid or secure as I'd ideally want.

So, basically, let my story serve as a PSA to check your gear. On a younger horse you're maybe not as familiar with it's probably a wise idea to check your girth mid ride. Helmet wise - if the foam compresses or you cut your hair and it starts to feel a little big or the harness feels like you can't quite get it right anymore, don't mess around. I just have a mild concussion but it could have easily been prevented with a little more attention to detail.

That being said, I really was having such a good ride and am super excited to get back at it SOON :D



  1. I'm glad that both you and Sophie (and your tack) are okay! Definitely a good reminder for all of us. I have a helmet that I've relegated to "trail rides only" because of its age and I probably just need to... chuck it. Sigh.

    1. I feel so dumb, but I look around and there's a big percentage of us out there using helmets that don't fit right (or are expired - I've been guilty of that also!) so I thought it's worth a mention. It sucks to find a new one and spend the money, but it sucks even more to have a totally preventable head injury <3

  2. Glad you are ok! Not tightening my girth while cantering a baby horse was my first fall off Dante lol

  3. I’m so glad you’re ok! Stuff happens with horses and thanks for the PSA. It’s always a good reminder.

    1. Thank you! Horses certainly are a magnet for unexpected stuff happening :)

  4. Thanks for the PSA, my cheapo helmet is definitely a poor fit for me. I also am bad at remembering to put one on if I am hoping on for a quick bareback ride. I think I am going to actually make a reminder sign for the barn.
    I am glad you are ok! I am so paranoid about this and am glad that both of my horses have large withers that stop any possible roll of the saddle.

    1. Both of mine are round little things, but I am due for a flocking adjustment too - another thing not helping my cause! I've been low key annoyed with the fit of my helmet for months, funny what just becomes normal because you're used to it!

  5. I am glad that you are okay and that Sophie was a champ. It is always a good idea to check your helmet so thanks for the reminder.

    1. She was shockingly sensible about the whole thing!

  6. I'll admit I'm a little obsessive about helmet fit and safety. I've had too many concussions and I don't risk it anymore with poor fitting helmets. So, as much as I hate spending money, the second something doesn't fit right anymore, I'll buy a new helmet. I also will no longer try on anything without MIPS. Having said that, we've all done stupid things like not tighten the girth (me, yesterday though fortunately Nay has withers and it turns out the saddle REALLY does fit well and it didn't move. I was just shocked that we were on hole 1 and 2 vs 3 and 3 when I hopped off).

    My first fall of Nay? He scooted when I got on and I landed on the other side. He then looked at me like I was a complete idiot (not arguing with him). I guess that's a lot better than running off.

    1. My new helmet is a MIPS one - I don't know why I didn't switch sooner! Sophie definitely looked at me like I was a total idiot too LOL

    2. stupid like runover your brand new helmet too Sarah (YEAH I WENT THERE< TOO SOON? )HA anyway back on topic, I have to check my girth about five ten min after I get on as my horse is also shaped like yours. HA. Glad you are okay and get you a helmet that you love. I forget my one k is on most days and dont even take it off till i get to the truck (a good sign a helmet fits well)! Feel better, Sophie is adorable and Bridget is the best ;) That is all. Also Sophie may end up being a good trail horse, it just takes time!!
