Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Full Circle

Sitting in an office all day really isn't my thing. It's unfortunate that sitting in front of a computer doing data analysis pays so much more than related jobs that are fieldwork based.

Blue vista from a recent after work hike. How could I not be happier looking at this than my computer screen.

When I saw an ad that the local therapeutic riding barn was looking for morning help, I was a little nostalgic - I used to work and volunteer there and all these years later, I still miss the horses and the kids. It was pretty close to a dream job for me, ponies all day long and very little in the way of non horsey responsibility. No desk, no meetings, no non stop phone calls and short deadlines. Too bad about the (tiny) paycheque :)

So, I did a thing and called about the job, because I'm impulsive and not fiscally responsible at heart. A few hours later, and I have myself a new (old) part time job. My existing work is going to let me start a little later in the morning a couple of days a week, so it's a win/win for us all - I keep my responsible full time adult income and get to work with the horses too.

I'm pretty excited. I've already bookmarked the barn paycheques to fund more fun things for my horse hobby, like that new trailer that I keep talking about but has yet to materialize. Current status: I've inquired with a bunch of dealers and possibly found 'the one', but I'm waiting until the weather in the mountains is a little kinder to drive in, plus it won't hurt to have some more savings.

Current front runner is an aluminum Maverick trailer. Fingers crossed, the dealership so far seems really good to work with, so I hope I like the trailer in person. I know I said I wanted a Logan Crossfire, but wasn't impressed with their semi local dealership when we went to shop, so we kept looking!

Pony updates:

Still fuzzy, still cute. The blankets came off for an afternoon...spring feels like it's on the way!

Bridget is happy and so shiny and content looking. I had some weekend trail riding plans for her, but our hot water tank flooded our basement and I had to deal with that instead. That responsible adult thing hits again! I did get out for a couple of short solo trail rides and she had a farrier visit, but that's hardly exciting news. We are still pending a vet visit for a breeding exam (is he EVER coming? - I feel like I booked us on the list weeks ago and still no firm appt time). In a small world coincidence, the farrier (who travels to us from the city every 7 weeks) mentioned she'd trimmed a gorgeous palomino Welsh D the day before. Of course, I wanted to hear more, and it turns out he's one of my two choices for B's baby daddy. Kind a a fun, random, thing ( I thought he was still in the US). Anyway, her feedback on his manners (and hooves) was excellent, and I got far too excited by that, lol.
"Bring me my dinner! I need to eat for the future baby already"
Happy mare.

Sassy/Sophie had an easy week as well. She was adequately behaved for the farrier, which is progress, but we need to start contemplating at least front shoes which knowing her will be next level interesting. I have a lot of prep to do, I think.

Such an innocent looking face.
Her coat is shedding like crazy - I have no clue why it is so 'extravagant' in our mild winters. I joke that since I wanted a 'fancy' pony, she came with an extra luxurious coat, but really it's just all kinds of yuck - that amazing welsh pony winter coat on a horse sized body, lol. I can't wait until she's properly in work and I have an excuse to keep it clipped.

Now actively shedding and currently with 50% less fuzz! Not that anyone can tell :)
I can't wait for it to be replaced with a sleek and shiny pony.

 We're about a month out from our next clinic and if I want to have a proper riding lesson I need to get back at it. I'm thinking with the time change I shouldn't have a problem fitting regular outings in again, though. The therapeutic barn just happens to be the place I use the outdoor and indoor arenas anyway, so if I'm working there again, let's hope that's extra incentive to get a ride in...Sophie is only a 2 min drive up the road from there so I'll have reason to be in the area more often!

We're coming up on her 4th birthday and two years of ownership, already. So hard to believe!



  1. YAY new part time job. YAY extra income to put toward ponies. YAY good hooves on potential baby daddy. YAY future baby! YAY Sophie being decent for the farrier. But BOO to All of That Hair. Shedding season is my least favorite time of year.

    1. I actually don't mind it because the hair is finally leaving. It's the mid winter yak look that I hate the most, I think. So much YES this last week :D

  2. She's 4 all ready???? HOW? And congrats on the new job and congrats to bridget for her upcoming date. :)

    1. Vet just confirmed he's coming on Thursday! Fingers crossed we get a green light to proceed :D

  3. That's great that you're able to do the therapy as well as keep your full time job!! =)

    1. So perfect. First shift back this morning and a wonderful surprise was that some of the horses I used to look after are still there 10 years later <3

  4. So cool love that TRAILER and so exciting you get to do horsey stuff and keep your paying job :) I am so excited for Sophie this year and Bridget maybe getting bred and etc etc. :) If I ever win the lottery I am buying a welsh cross ;) HAHAHAH

    1. I have so many big (for me) horsey goals planned for this year. It's all quite exciting, fingers crossed I can pull it off! Everyone should have a welsh cross - for you I suggest a buckskin one so it's a Remus look alike, he sounds like he's got the welsh personality down pat so they'd probably love each other ;)

  5. Any extra income is always welcome, amirite!

    1. Especially with horses to feed! Give me all the money!
