Sunday, 3 March 2019

Growing Up

I'm terrible with dates. For some reason I thought Sophie's 3rd birthday was this weekend. A quick check of her papers informs me her actual birthday is May 12th, so the birthday pictures I took yesterday are a couple of months premature!

Happy non birthday Sophie! I brought cookies just because!

 While I had the pony paperwork file open, I also realized I've been celebrating Bridget's birthday a month too early all this time too. Thank goodness my ponies aren't too fussed about such things. Not that I know from experience or anything, but sometimes people don't find my failure to mark time accurately quite so acceptable. It's probably a good thing we don't have human children to scar for life ;)

She's getting a round pony bum!

Actual birthday dates aside, I'm noticing that almost 3 year old  Sophie has really started filling out this winter. There has been some concern expressed that she should be growing and thriving more. I am of course listening to that input, but I am not panicking yet. Logic says I should trust in the professionals I pay, and they are not concerned. She's 1. A pony and 2. Of a more refined build. She's never going to be huge and comparing to quarter horses isn't necessarily like to like.

Still bum high! Is it just me, or do palominos look extra rough in winter? I feel like I dedicate around twice the time to grooming her than I spend with Bridget, and still Sophie never looks tidy. Perhaps once I start clipping and blanketing? For now, I like her darker shiny summertime coat color a whole lot more!

I'm not denying she looks a bit awkward currently, but I have faith she'll grow into herself and be nice enough with some time and patience. She's grown three inches in the past year, and she can have all the time she needs to finish growing up.

Same day. Its all about the picture angle right now...she looks a lot more balanced in this pose!


  1. Oh but she's such a pretty little thing!

    1. Thank you. I am biased but I do think she'll be quite nice once she's all grown up :)

  2. Aw she looks great tho - growing up takes time! And yas she’s going to look so good in her slick darker glossy summer coat !

    1. Thank you. I've been taking confo pictures twice a month because when you see them all the time it's hard to get a baseline...I do get why people think she doesn't look great, but yeah, growing babies - I feel like her condition and height changes weekly!

  3. wow she's starting to look like a horse vs a baby!!

    1. I had to adjust her halter to a bigger size last week! No more teeny baby pony head - it's right in the middle of cob sized adjustments now :)

  4. she will grow until 5 at least so don't worry! she looks good to me and still growthy (if she was perfectly proportioned then I would be worried she was done growing). Love her color. And I love that even her winter coat is touched by gold. Some palomino's i have known go white in winter. ICK! hahaha on not knowing her bday I am the worst about that!

    1. Thanks for the input - it is really nice to hear my favorite bloggers also think she's looking ok for a growing girl. Last year she had he dreaded 'mayonnaise colored' winter coat - this year was an improvement :)

  5. Three years of age is an awkward one. Kinda like when we were 14. :D

    She looks good to me and will blossom this summer. It's better for them to be light rather than heavy when they are still growing.

  6. Don't worry about it, they are all super awkward at this age. Dante was essentially a bobble head and didn't actually start having a real neck until part way into year 3.

    1. Thank you - he's such a gorgeous boy now! My gut says she's fine, but some days it's difficult when the local horsey people are gossiping. I always want to be sure I'm not just being 'barn blind' :)

  7. I'm drooling over her color. She's gorgeous (and will totally grow into herself)

    1. Thank you. Palomino is my least favorite's kind of a waste for me to own one. I love her, though.
