Sunday, 13 January 2019

Waking The Dragon

Bridget is pretty much the funniest and least enthusiastic workout buddy ever. She's pretty pissed off that I'd even consider her for the part, but sadly for her there are a few things going on necessitating the return of Bridget as my reluctant fitness pal:

- I'm in money saving mode and therefore not currently taking lessons at EC's. But, I want to keep in good riding shape for when I jump back into lessons.

Does this picture make her belly look big? ;) Heading out in the sunshine for a bareback ride - so good for my core and balance!

- Im feeling like there's a chance Sophie might mature smaller than expected. So, I need to lose weight ( I need to anyway, this is just extra incentive with a time sensitive deadline since I'd like to start her this summer)

14hh today at almost three years old...her siblings were apparently closer to 15hh, but I don't think she'll get there.

- My favorite exercise is hiking. Bears and cougars and the like (and weird creepy dudes) worry me. I'm getting less brave when I see wildlife on the trail and we don't currently have a dog.  I feel safer with another human. Or a Bridget!

B humoring me today.
- I did that thing and signed up for a clinic, so we both should probably should be at a moderate level of fitness.

A hike for me on Friday, with a pit stop for some longeing for Bridget.
A good thing about having B as a workout buddy is that no matter how tough you're finding it, B is always complaining more than you. Feeling unmotivated? No worries, B is way grumpier about doing the thing than you are. I actually find it quite amusing listening to her moaning and groaning, particularly as we're mostly just walking at this point :D

So hungry, she worked so hard you know.

The best part though, is when you're finished! You've never had a gym partner so proud of their efforts. B is pretty sure she kills every single workout ever, despite the fact that she's only put in the minimum effort the whole time :)

On our way to the indoor on Thursday night.

Home at dark on Sunday.



  1. Oh my gosh she’s so cute!! I’m also working on the weight loss goal and it’s so tough!!

    1. So tough, but I'm sure you're going to succeed!

  2. ha i definitely know how B feels re: complaining about fitness lol.... glad you're gettin out and about!!

    1. She's so ridiculously passive aggressive about it, it's actually kind of fantastic to watch (and listen to :)

  3. man I think B is my spirit animal! LOL

    Also, don't knock Sophie heightwise yet. My morgan gelding grew until he was 7 or so. Like he was 14.2 FOREVER and then ended just at 15 hands after he was 5!!

    glad you are riding. And send B to me she can be a slug with my guys HA!

    1. I'm lazy, but B takes it to an entirely new level. I had to move her water bucket next to her shelter last week, because 20 ft away is apparently too far for regular visits when it's raining outside.

  4. Poor B! It's a hard life she leads! Good for you for getting out there and working!

  5. Oh, B, lol. Maybe she just didn't wanna do a New Years resolution?

    1. B's only resolution in life is to expend the least amount of effort to gain the most amount of food.

  6. I love love love love that photo from Thursday night. It's simply the most picturesque scene!

    1. I was truly wishing I had a proper camera, the lighting was so neat.

  7. haha glad that you can coerce B to workout with you

  8. Last year when I was getting ready to run a long obstacle course race (14 miles), I found myself having to choose between running and breaking in my new trail shoes or riding P. And P needs constant exercise to keep him sane. So I killed two birds with one stone and we went trail running together. And it was a blast! Got some weird looks, but at least I'd have a getaway if we were to encounter a predator. Horses def make excellent workout partners.
