Monday, 12 November 2018

Days Like These

Being away Monday through Wednesday every week means I have a whole lot of things at home I want to catch up on Thursdays through Sundays.

Horse time being one of the main things, of course :)

It kills me that she's still got dapples. I don't currently own a grooming tool that can reach all the way through her winter coat, so we have to chalk them up to genetics.

Moving Sophie to the other farm is one of the best things I've done for myself in a very long time. Of course she is much happier with all that room to roam, but I'm so much happier too, knowing I don't need to worry about her. The barn owners are fantastic and zero drama. They love Sophie.

How could you not? Granted, she can still be a bit of a rule testing menace, but she's very sweet and super friendly. And so cute.

The full board is also a bonus...I notice the difference every Thursday night when I am cleaning paddocks where Bridget is still semi self boarded. Random pony fact, but Sophie eats and poops twice as much as B - my work and my feed inventory needs tripled when Sophie was boarded there!

On the plus side, she's the tidiest horse I've ever owned which is much appreciated. You literally just have to clean one tiny corner of her field. And, did I mention she's cute?

I've got into a routine lately of spending at least a couple of mornings a week with Sophie, then popping back to town for an early lunch, then heading over to Bridget's barn for an early afternoon ride and barn chores. I'm usually done by 2:00 or so, which still leaves daylight for hiking with G or yard work. I'm pretty sure if I was retired something similar would be my schedule every day of the week!

So.Much.Hair. And dirt. And butt highness. I love baby ponies :)

Sophie got a spa day this weekend and got all clipped up, mane pulled, tail banged like she's heading off to a show. She enjoys being fussed over, so I wasn't torturing her as much as you might think. I am regretting buying a two year old because actual showing seems so far off. I still have a whole year to wait before I can even lightly back her!
I went a little overboard with the tail, but I kind of don't mind it for now. 

But, I guess it's a pretty good life when my biggest complaint is that I miss competing :D



  1. Sophie is looking great! Sounds like the move was the best thing for her right now.

    1. She's so happy - she really needed some time out to mature mentally as well as physically.

  2. Sounds so nice to have the time to hang with her!

  3. She is the most adorable banana ever. I banged Carmen's tail quite short for winter. it helps keep it out of the mud!

    1. I quite like the look, and agreed, it's so practical for winter.

  4. There's always in hand classes for babies :)

    1. She's so unattractive/awkward phase right now I'm reluctant to do anything halter/conformation. But yes, I'm sure we can find some more in hand trail challenges and things.

  5. that year will go fast. She is so cute and glad she is so happy at her new place and that it is good for you (aka less chores) as well!

  6. Replies
    1. She's REALLY awkward looking, but yes, I should explore some in hand classes regardless, it's great experience...who knows, she might be better looking come spring? :)

  7. Before you know it, she'll be ready to be started!! Plus, can always do in-hand classes while you wait!
