Saturday, I headed out for drill team, and pretty much immediately failed at the whole having fun and relaxing thing. As I was walking in, someone told me Bridget looks too thin, ("she is a pony and is supposed to be round, not thin") which I felt defensive and upset about, and that, combined with a second, more passive aggressive comment, kind of had me stewing a little.
Pics from today. I like her weight right now? My only critique would be she's lost some topline muscling due to her reduced workload. Also, I wish she'd finish shedding. Polite feedback is of course welcome, tho. |
So, grumpy me left after practice, and opted out of the games day.
Letting the starving pony eat. |
I went back to the barn and did my weekend chores, then remembered that I'm a grown up and grown ups don't let mean girls ruin their fun. So, I salvaged the morning by leading Sophie down to walk around and hang out in the warm up while the arena was busy. She was a little overwhelmed at first (so much to look at! So many horses to say hello to!) but she tries so hard to be good that it's pretty easy to find positives to focus on. She's very tuned in and responsive, so when I tell her she's being good (or bad!) she listens and acts accordingly. It only took a few minutes of me giving her a little job each time she got distracted before she settled right in to the atmosphere with a softer mindset and stood quietly on a loose lead beside me while I chatted with friends.
Always watching :) |
I' m just loving her good mind, it's been a very long time since I've had a horse that's so people oriented and eager to please. She's quite quick thinking and reactive too, so it will be interesting to see how that energy combined with her kind nature translates under saddle. Fingers crossed for sharp, but sensible.
B models our new saddle today.
Jeffries elite. This maybe isn't a trendy saddle, but the quality is amazing, and the leather/craftsmanship is IMO a bit nicer than the equivalent Custom Wolfgang Solo and County Connection I've been borrowing, so I feel like it's a good find. |
Sunday, I took Bridget for a spin in our new-to-us saddle. I think it's a bit wide on her, but Bridget thinks it's great, apparently. She started out her usual self, all tense and stuck, then I got her to stretch in walk and then she pretty much only wanted to stretch in all 3 gaits! She just got softer and softer and more forward the whole ride. I'll take that as a good sign! I didn't ask for much beyond getting her stretching and forward on a longer rein. Quit while we're ahead, plus then I have 3 days away at work to think about a good ride and to feel hopeful we can build on it.
IDK if reading saddle pads is less science and more equivalent to reading tea leaves, but it does at least look to be sitting evenly and confirm my grooming skills were sub par today. Blog readers, as always welcome to chime in if you notice anything, I'm a month away from being able to meet up with a saddle fitter. |
I think her weight looks just fine and wouldn't say she's thin.
ReplyDeleteThe camera must be adding a 100 lbs ;)
DeleteI would certainly want a fit pony over a round pony any day for so many health factors. I don't think she looks thin in the slightest.
ReplyDeleteRight?! I nicely explained that it's unfair to ask overly round ponies to gallop and jump too much, but the person wasn't hearing me.
DeleteI think she looks great and you know with summer coming I always like them a bit leaner going into it (Ask me how I know LOL Remus will start pounding up soon with the grass) HA!. I think that saddle looks like a great option and if it works for you both even better!! YAY.
ReplyDeleteAnd Sophie is the best. SIMPLY the best :)
Even if Bridget did wake up thin one day, yeah, she can inhale a bale/weeks worth of hay in 24 hrs and look instantly fat....ask me how I know, lol
DeleteI don't think she looks too thin at all! People are weird.
ReplyDeleteExciting about the new saddle! Sounds like it will do the trick (a little wide is manageable with a half pad etc) :)
Fingers crossed she keeps on liking it! It's kind of new and interesting to have saddles too wide for her - the struggle before was everything being too narrow, lol
DeleteI wish some folks would hurry up and learn that not every observation needs to be shared, and not every taste or opinion in horse care needs to be universal. B looks great, like a fit little sports car. Plus you know her health history and that the professionals involved in her care have prioritized fitness above all else to help her thrive. Rail birds are the worst but hopefully their chatter is easily ignored!
ReplyDeleteI think she looks GREAT! Any time people share such opinions with me about weights of animals, I take a moment to look at their animals and often find they're either obese or way skinnier than I like a critter to be. No wonder they called mine out, it doesn't meet their definition of "perfect". Hrrumph.
ReplyDeleteSophie sounds so WONDERFUL. What a sweet, sweet girl. You two are going to have so much fun together!
Her condition is good, ignore the haters. As far as saddle fit It's definitely sitting evenly on both sides but that weird no hair/dirt spot in the middle of the panel is well... weird