I'm pretty much the worst person at confrontation. And emotions. And adulting. Exhibit A: Yesterday, instead of acting like a grownup and arranging a meeting at work to request/discuss a LOA, I got out of bed and started worrying about it and...called in sick. Then went to the horses.
Because karma frowns on such deceitful behaviour, when I got to the barn it was immediately apparent B was feeling sassy, but had the world's grossest nose goop. I guess one of us had to be sick for real.
Tail game on point |
Fingers crossed, so far she just has a snotty nose and a bit of a fever. Fingers crossed so, so hard, because I DO NOT want it to progress to a never ending cough and multiple vet visits a la 2015. A couple of the other horses have been coughing, which is just...ugh. I pay for vaccinations why? (Google answered this for me: If you vaccinate, there's no guarantee your horse won't get sick, BUT there's a better likelihood if/when they catch something they'll only suffer minor symptoms)
Because I'm a worrier, I'm going to ask blog land...is your horse getting a virus once or twice a year a normal thing for you? I have literally never had this happen so often, as in actually, I've never had one get any type of respiratory virus prior to the past couple of years.
Shiny B from last week |
So, B is getting a few days off. I've been using the spare time to give her spa days instead. Yesterday she got her pony beard and bridle path buzzed off, then her tail washed, trimmed and detangled. Today, she's getting her feet trimmed up. Her winter coat is coming in, all shiny and fluffy. She looks adorable, so there's that.
In jail. The note says to please only feed her in a haynet...at meal times. You can see that it's very effective LOL |
Actually this is my first year a horse of mine has had more than a cough (Henry had a snotty nose..which was pneumonia - eek! not to scare you too much). She is looking lovely ;) Good luck with your LOA, crossing my fingers for you.
ReplyDeleteOH, please no to the pneumonia.I remember that, and I'm glad Henry recovered so well.
DeleteLOA paperwork is now submitted (while my boss was in a meeting...I'm such a chicken!)
I feel like climate might be a factor so my experience might not mean anything, but I would say annual viruses are not normal, I've never experienced a horse having one period. Hope B feels better soon (she does look very cute!)
ReplyDeleteI feel like it shouldn't be normal either (especially given the entire barn is vaccinated on a regular schedule), but yes, our warm, humid climate can't possibly help.
DeleteI hope that the LOA is a go and the virus is a no-go!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteNo on the virus. And Emi's getting her shiny winter coat too. So cute!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I kind of figured something weird is going on, but it's nice everyone is confirming my suspicions and I'm not unreasonable for thinking enough is enough with the viruses, and that something's not adding up.
DeleteThese cobs, always so dapple and shiny, tho. I love that, at least!
Yikes i hope she bounces back fast. Remus has not been sick (KNOCK ON WOOD) in 5 years. He has had wounds but no real issues viral etc. And he was in some sketchy barns at times. LOL. And why they not feed her in a haynet? that would annoy me so much! I hope you get a LOA soon! She looks gorgeous to me even if she is a bit under the weather. I am sure she enjoys the spa time!
ReplyDeleteDon't get me started on the hay net...it's a co-op type barn and lets just say everyone can follow instructions, except the one who I shall not miss.
Deleteaw hopefully she feels better asap! i've never had to deal much with illnesses, except for that one time isabel picked up the flu at a show and we brought it home and infected the entire barn and got shut down with a quarantine... so.... yea, whoops. horses that travel often, or who live among other horses who travel often, are just more susceptible to picking up bugs. blargh.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's got to be the competition schedule bringing the germs back to the barn. B does seem way more susceptible than the others though, will need to discuss that with the vet.
DeleteHope she feels better soon! P just had a low fever a couple weeks ago, and after a shot of B12 and a few days off is now back to his normal self. Hope you get your LOA soon!
ReplyDeletethank you! Glad P is better!
DeleteUgh, work sh*t is the WORST.
ReplyDeleteRight? I need to become independently wealthy.
DeleteYou just reminded me my horse has not coughed in a few months. Thank you for that. I live in fear of COPD because of his respiratory infection when I met him, that took months to clear up. And the cough/snort thing he does remained. Like others said, recurring viruses are not normal, and I don't trust barn owners who say it's nothing serious. You know it's bad when you see phlegm on the sides of the barn, from your horse expelling it while coughing. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteThat's what happened a couple of years ago..bad cough, maybe COPD, but now we think actually a virus that turned into a longer term infection. B seems more susceptible to colds than the rest of the barn, it's actually current vet who's not overly concerned, barn owner is great.
DeleteUgh some days I just wanna throw my phone out the window so that my problems can't contact me at all times of the day... I feel you!! And yeah viruses that often are definitely not normal, though if the horses in your barn are traveling/showing they definitely would be prone to picking up more random germs. But still shouldn't be getting everyone sick so frequently!
ReplyDeleteI think I worded my post funny. I'm not saying management changes couldn't be made, but it's not necessarily a barn wide issue. B is the only one getting sick so frequently, the other horses seem to either never get sick or maybe once every few years. I feel like with her, if there's something to be caught, she catches it! Maybe she is just more social than most...
DeleteBut yes, I agree she should not be getting sick so often and changes are in order.