Saturday, 5 August 2017


I was a bit disappointed in the dressage show photos (can't blame the photographer - I rode at the same time as the GP tests, so I imagine it would be hard to cover both well...also honestly most of my dislike was how I look in the pics, which is not her fault at all!), but have ordered a few 'fun' ones to share...just waiting for them to come and then I'll post a final show update. We're prepping now for our event coming up in 2 weeks. I am actually excited about it (and pre ordered photos this time, lol)

In other, related, news, Midge is still on her diet, in hopes being lighter will equal being faster at our events! At a recent visit, the vet was unimpressed with the rate of weight loss, although pleased with her fitness. So Midge has now been living in her own diet 'condo' 24/7 instead of just overnight. She is eating only a small amount of hay double netted twice daily.

The other day, I went to the barn to ride, and thought "Ughh, she looks like she's GAINED weight today. How is that even possible? Must talk to the girls feeding."

And then, I noticed her gate was tied shut with a large, thick, rope instead of the normal thinner rope attached to a clip. Inconvenient, but hey, whatever works.

So, the story as I understand it? She CHEWED THROUGH the previous rope latching the gate, then set herself free in the main paddock. Then she went all hangry, booted the other horses away from their breakfasts, and stuffed herself all morning before EC noticed. I found proof in the form of a chewed up rope somewhat near the crime scene. Also, an empty haynet in her pen. The little beastie ate her own breakfast first before making her big escape, of course. Naughty, naughty, pony.
Dramatic reenactment of the great escape.



  1. Oh Midge! LOL.

    Spud is a lot like that too, haha!

    1. I was thinking you'd be able to identify!

  2. Pal was a beefcake no matter how much conditioning we did.... Solo, whether it's growth or what tends to stay on the lean tb type side, ugh

    1. There's a lot to be said for the naturally leaner, fitter types!

  3. I dream of one day having a horse with a sweet tucked up belly.

    Like Midge's, in comparison. Seriously.

    1. That belly has taken an incredible amount of work to get where it is, you'll have a much easier time with Mag, I hope!

  4. Haha, I sort of have to agree with Midge that eating all the things is important. I think part of why I love ponies is that I can totally sympathize with being the short girl with the horrible metabolism and loving all the food lol

    1. Exactly my feelings. Part of me is happy she had such a good day :)

  5. Replies
    1. So sneaky. I have to wonder if it was planned, or just Spur of the moment enough is enough thinking. The timing is suspicious:)

  6. I feel the same way about being on a diet haha!

  7. Bahahaha, genius pony!

  8. Oh Midge! You do make me laugh. She's a clever mare, that's for sure!

    1. I like that she *in theory* knows how to untie ropes, open latches and gates, throw things, etc, but rarely uses that against me. (Unless she's "dying" of starvation, lol)
