It's a double whammy this week and next, coach EC is away AND my boss at work is on holidays. So much potential for mischief!
Who me? I'm a super good pony...sometimes |
at least in barn time, I feel slightly lost. I'm independent, likely to a fault. Yet I've grown quite accustomed to taking lessons at least weekly and having advice shouted across the ring at me the rest of the time if things get weird. EC has eyes in the back of her head, and a talent for detail so you'd better expect (tactful, constructive) advice or questions at all times, especially if you think you got away with something and no one could have possibly noticed ;)
On Saturday, for the first time since moving here, I was completely alone at the barn, and solo in the arena for my entire ride. That's something I dream about on a regular basis. Instead of being conducive to a great ride, it just felt weird. (Why is no one shouting at me to carry hands?! The's uncomfortable.)
la la la I can't hear you |
The weirdness persisted as I filled out my May show entries this morning. What division to enter? Should we try a jumper round? Do I REALLY need to braid? Should I move up to First level at the dressage show or just practice my eventing tests for the horse trails the following weekend? For the horse trails, do we go at Starter, or Pre Entry? Not normally questions I need to ask myself, because I just trust EC's judgement and go with it. I'm gotten SO spoiled and lazy!
So, this weekend I'm going to braid because I've entered the hunters. Even though we are decidedly NOT what a person thinks of when they think hunter class, we are working on keeping an appropriate and consistent pace on our courses, and the hunter ring is a better place to practice that. Also, more importantly for me, the courses are easier to remember ;)
For the following weekend, I'm practicing First level, test 2, because the beginning of test 1 seems awkward to me with the half circles. I am opting for straight dressage tests because I've got superstitious regarding Canadian Eventing Entry Test 1. I've ridden it 4 times now and got a 64% all 4 times, no matter how bad or good I thought it felt. It's cursed. It's time to move on to "real" dressage tests, just not the weird one that starts with two half circles. Awesome logic, right? This is why we pay a pro to manage me...
As for the horse trials, any decisions regarding that one have been put on hold. We'll see how this weekend goes first. Just don't be surprised if things get a little strange this month, apparently I've got quite used to having a keeper.
Bath time and a snack before dinner |
You are just KILLIN it with all this riding - making me super jealous :) Glad you are enjoying yourself!!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a long time since I had the horse, the coaching, the finances, and the time all at once, so I'm admittedly almost overdoing things now :)
DeleteOooh I like your show choices tho!!! I get reliant on getting advice from my trainers too, but then the real test is situations just like yours: what decisions do I make when left to my own devices? Anyway can't wait to read about the shows - good luck!
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling OK about being ready for the upcoming shows...but the horse trials are kind of freaking me out!
DeleteI'm so impressed with how far you guys have come so quickly!! I'm feeling a little behind the eight ball with our lack of shows so far but Katai is also young. Maybe next year we can start off earlier and get more in!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, last year we only did a couple of things later in the fall and I am 100% happy with that decision...pony needed time to figure the world out a little more! This spring we're taking whatever opportunities come our way, but I still don't feel like we're really ready for a lot of it :) Moral of the story - take your time!
DeleteWhat ever you decide the only things that are truly important is getting out and having a positive experience. Have fun!
ReplyDeleteWords of wisdom, right there. Thank you :)