Friday, 18 September 2015

Time Out

I had another not so fabulous ride last night. I went into it much more conscious of trying not to pick a fight and wanting to just go have fun.

The arena was super crowded, so I just wandered around on a loose rein to warm up and hoped things would quiet down in the meantime. Midge was grumpy and distracted, more worried about what was going on around her and out in the pasture than what her rider had to say. OK then, off to work we go, too bad, so sad. I just did basic stuff, like forward for a few strides, then 15m circle, then forward again, then circle, all around the arena. Midge wasn't's like we picked up right where we left off Wednesday night. Sticky forward button and using any increase of speed as an excuse to throw her outside shoulder into outer space. For real...we ended up with legs under and outside the arena fence, she was so determined not to bend her body. OK, deep breath, T. I had wanted to jump and have a fun ride, but the arena was just so busy and there was a lesson going on as well. So, we just stayed on our little circles until things got presentable. Then I did a dumb thing and asked for canter. I don't even know how to adequately describe the mess that is our canter when Midge isn't playing nice. I didn't ever get what I was hoping for, and before too much frustration could happen I just went back to trot and the zen of attempting perfect circles.
Good thing she's cute ;)

I'm not quite sure what is going on in the mare's paddock, but most are not quite themselves at the moment. Bridget and another mare in particular are in each other's faces about who's the boss of who and I think that might be carrying over into our rides.

On the plus side, one of the riders that came in to the arena late in my ride was super complimentary of how much better Bridget is looking compared to a few months ago, so I was reminded that although the process might not be linear, we are still creeping ahead slowly.

Moving forward, Bridget has earned herself some training rides every Friday. I'm spending too much on horses right now as it is, so EC suggested one of her (very accomplished) students as a rider, and I think she'll do a great job.

As the title would suggest, we both get a little time out this weekend. I'm going home to visit G for the weekend, and Midge will have some horse crazy girls taking her out on the trails.



  1. That's frustrating! She looks fabulous. Hopefully the student ride will help.
    I hope you have a relaxing weekend :)

    1. She's finally starting to look a little fitter. I'm hopeful the student rides will help, she's an amazing rider and trainer in her own right and someone who I think is really going places.

  2. I've been having some rides that are very similar recently.

    I know that when Katai and another horse are having a pecking order "discussion" she seems to take it out on me. Like she's going to push me around because she can't push around the other horse. Hopefully that's what's going on :-)

    1. I do think a good part of it is the pecking order discussion....or at least I hope so (the alternative is I've finally pissed her off enough for her to hold a grudge!)

  3. Ugh frustrating... My mare has been kinda cranky lately and the rides have not been as pleasant. Definitely as fun! Hopefully it's just an off day (or week) for Ms B and she will be better next time!

    1. Sometimes I think a gelding would be nice...then I feed at the barn and am reminded they can be just as dramatic and moody as the girl's paddock!
