S is SO laid back and patient and that great mix of being honest but incredibly accepting of horse and rider shortcomings that are a work in progress. No nagging from her, she just changes up the exercises to force you or pony to work through things indirectly. I like that - progress without ever feeling like you're overwhelmed or less than adequate.
So, starting in July, look forward to some weekly recaps of Ginger rides. At one or two rides/lessons week there's unlikely to be much progress or excitement, but I'm hoping that's a good thing because there will be no pressure or expectations! I hope a low key, no pressure, just for fun approach will help my mental game in regards to Project Gingersnap. The whole I want to show/but I'm so nervous/pony is still too reactive/pony is lame/but I want to show/ohhhh but now she's been out of work and her mind isn't there/look, progress!/oh look she's lame again cycle was/is exhausting. So rather than the "all or nothing" mindset I'm going to consciously attempt to focus on just having a fun ride on the weekends and letting the chips fall where they may.
omg your cat is too cute! and actually i'm kinda excited to see what happens with the Ginger lessons. coming at it with a fresh perspective and reduced pressure/expectations might be just the ticket for you two to click into a nicer routine :)