Friday, 9 January 2015

Wee Little Monster

Little Midge was in top disagreeable pony form this afternoon. You know the training approach" Ask, ask, tell" (ie ask as lightly as you'd ideally like to ask, ask more assertively, then, tell - make it happen)? Well, there was a whole lot of telling going on this afternoon in an effort to get pony going forward without any extra nagging or drama in her part. This seems to be something we need to rediscuss of late, as she's going through quite the testing phase. It doesn't make for overly fun or inspiring rides, so let's just look at some pictures from today :)

The above pretty much summed up her mood. (The unflattering photo is my revenge and makes me laugh ;)
But, she also stood calmly next to this bench so I could hop on, so there are benefits to owning a honey badger pony.
She's also interested in hanging out and helping me set up poles, showing that even on a bad day she's a pretty social little thing.
Ginger is growing a nice mane again! Also, dapples!! Her turn tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it :)
And finally, even "bad" ponies get a post ride treat.

As far as the not so fun rides go, I do feel I stay very calm and patient in the moment and always end on a good note, but after I get home I feel pretty down about it and wonder what I'm missing. There has to be a key somewhere to get little Bridget more proactive and cooperative! 


  1. I totally get the same after the not so good spins. In the moment it rarely registers as particularly bad; it's the brain gremlins in the disc ti on after that tends to sour my impression of the ride. Darn over-analysing!

    1. I think it's a good thing to keep an open mind and second guess yourself a bit, but yeah, the brain gremlins that like to take it one step further kind of stink!

  2. Awww I hate fighting just to get my horse forward! That is the worst. Yesterday my friend suggested I try a slightly different "tell" cue (a bump bump with my heels a bit back from their normal spot) that worked way better for me. Good luck with the honey badger!!

    1. It's always been my most hated evasion. Then I had a bad couple of years confidence wise and it seemed do-able and 'safe' in a potential prospect. Now it's back to driving me nuts ha ha. Good tip on switching up the cue a bit - will try that, thank you.

  3. I've always heard it as "ask, tell, insist" actually, so that's what I go with. Because eventually with me, if its not a learning problem but something they already know how to do, you will get to that insist of "You must do this NOW."

    1. That makes more sense, I always thought the version I heard seemed worded funny. Sounds like my 'tell' and your 'insist' are the same thing. She knows what I want as far as the basics like 'forward' go, but has days where she really could care less, unfortunately for me.

  4. I'm in love with your fuzzy ponies <3

    And I've heard a variation of your "ask, ask, tell" - mine was "ask, tell, demand".

    1. Another good version! I'm officially ditching mine.
      I'm the odd one out who loves winter coats when they're all cute and fuzzy :)

  5. Oh - I hate the days when ponies are like "meh" to the forward cue!! Exhausting and annoying to have to nag. Love the revenge photo - you got her good ;)

    1. I'd love to just get off and do something else those days, but unfortunately once you pick that She's so cute I can't ever be too frustrated.

  6. Don't get down! It's a journey with our horses and we should try to enjoy every second of it, even when they aren't so good. :) She's beautiful by the way!!

    1. Thank you :) I do enjoy even the worst rides in the moment, and all barn time is good time - it's after I get home and think on it I start to get down on my abilities and what I can do better. I need to lighten up a little!

  7. sorry it wasn't a very inspiring ride - tho kudos for staying calm and patient. i'm one of those riders who might take it personally or lose my temper, so i'm always very impressed when others can work patiently through an issue - so nice job!! hopefully that patience will pay off and she'll find her 'go' button eventually!

    1. The person I was sharing the ring with was almost losing her temper just *watching* my evil pony's antics that day - you're not alone! It was good for a lot of laughs :)
      We'll get there eventually, there are more good days than bad currently
