Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Thanks 2 Pointober!

No horse time today, instead I'm hanging out in another city for the day due to yet more tests for that potential job at home. I'm still going to do contracts remotely from home for my actual career, but am thinking a second job for the in-between-contracts time will be good peace of mind and hopefully get us that much closer to my dream horse property.

The awesome horse related thing that just happened though? A fitness test that, in part, involved a bent over squat position with a weighted pack - ever so similar to the two point position, just forget the balancing on a moving animal part and add in some weight. They were looking for you to hold the position for 5 minutes to ace that part of the test, which of course was no problem thanks in part to 2 Pointober! 

The rest of it involved lifting a bunch a weights a million different ways and doing what amounted to step aerobics with a weighted pack. The people at the evaluation thing were a little taken aback since I'm not your typical fit looking girl and they saw on my file that I just had pneumonia. They need to learn that horse chicks are super tough! I have no doubt any of you out there that ride regularly and pack hay, etc would easily pass this particular evaluation with flying colors. Yay for horses for helping to keep us all fit! 

I personally still want to be in much better shape and fully intend to keep up with my goals of increased fitness and further weight loss, not so I can show off, but so I can be a better rider, of course :) It always comes back to the horses somehow!



  1. yay for 2pointober proving to be practical for the real world! and glad you're feeling well enough to be out doing fitness tests!

    1. Thank you! I`m feeling WAY better - tired today from yesterday, but the end is in sight and I`ll be back running and working out soon, I hope!

  2. OK you've officially inspired me to do more: )

    I had a bad case of pneumonia when I first got Baasha, when I was 17. I was in a lot of pain and couldn't get air, so when we saw the xray of my lungs it was clear - they were full of spiderwebs. I was sitting there crying in pain. Then they gave me this fluid to drink that helped almost immediately, it was amazing. Then I was laid up and my mom had to feed Baasha every morning, and break the ice off the bathtub trough. She told me that was what made me sick, getting up early to break that ice. They told me the rest of my life I'd be at higher risk for pneumonia, but so far so good.

    1. I had a similar thing happen at around the same age and am more prone to it as well - I think this is round 3 since then :(

  3. Wow that is some physical they put you through! I think I'd have died if asked to do any of those things I am super unfit *blush*
    I mean sure i walk places & ride two horses (not every day mind) but I'm not using the right muscles for those kind of tests!

    This is a good advertisement for more bonuses (bonusi?) Of 2pointober - must practice for the next 11 months & hope to get my act together to sign up next year!

    1. Yeah, I was a little surprised at how intense some of it was! Thank goodness for 2 pointober!

  4. Cool exercise and fingers crossed for the job!

  5. Sounds like a great workout! I was severely overweight at some point, and horses saved me. Now all workouts are AMAZING so I can be a better rider! Good luck in your job search!

    1. You and me both, congrats to you :) I never thought I`d enjoy the gym but it`s really grown on me these past few years! Thank you, it does sound like they are going to hire me, which means more $ for horses, obviously!
