Thursday, 11 September 2014

Ten Questions

Life continues on as per the new normal - which is awesome! I'm spending a few hours every day at the barn, either riding or grooming, or just hanging out. However, it's currently not very interesting blog material. Teaching a young horse forward and moving off your leg isn't the most exciting thing in the world, and this extra bit of summer heat has even Ginger mellowed out and non dramatic.

Thankfully, L Williams at Viva Carlos has ten questions for us!

1. Is your horse spooky or bombproof? Both are pretty spooky!

2. Does your horse have a long or short stride? Both have crazy long walk/trot strides for their size, but both have a naturally really up and down canter, so we'd have trouble making any hunter lines without some work.

3. Describe your current barn in 3 words: Relaxed. Friendly. Wonderful.

4. If you could switch barns, would you? Nope. Not with any of the other options available - my horses are so happy there!

5. Favorite brand of breeches? I like my Ariats. But the reality is I end up riding almost every day in a pair of Kerrits ones, so they win for comfort/durability.

6. How many blue ribbons do you have? Not too many, I only got into the showing thing later in life and now haven't shown for about 3 years again due to my ridiculous work schedule. Also, I'm just not that good ;) Lainey won me a few, and I've won some here and there riding other peoples horses. Maybe 15?

7. How many saddle pads do you own? Eleventy billion. And I keep using the oldest, most beat up one. 

8. Is your horse on your phone background/lock screen? Yes. Both. Always.

9. Do you go trail riding often? Yes, it's a cheap and simple way to show my horses the world. My goal for September is 2 to 3 times a week.

10. Favorite horsey movie? Tough the top of my head I'll say The Man From Snowy River.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh my, I really dated myself with that one :) But yes, trust me, it's a lot!

  2. Love learning more about the bloggers I follow from these questionnaires ☺

    1. Ps the wooden stable doors in that first pic are swoon-worthy, totes understand why you're so happy with your barn. Turnout looks fab also
